Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. This week’s program provides a wrap-up of the Alltech ONE Virtual Experience. This virtual experience took place throughout the week with daily keynote speakers and focus sessions and more. All of this was available on-demand and still is. In fact, you can still register and new content will be made available each month until …
Alltech ONE Brings Together 23,000
Alltech‘s annual conference was always a pretty good-sized international event, regularly drawing over 3,500 attendees from 70 countries. This year, the company made history with the Alltech ONE Virtual Experience attracting over 23,000 participants from 117 countries. “This is a number that we never could have dreamed to bring together in a physical format,” said Alltech president and CEO Mark …
Examining the Environmental Hoofprint of Beef
While COVID-19 is presenting plenty of short-term challenges for the cattle industry, Alltech’s Dr. Vaughn Holder remains focused on a bigger picture of providing food security for a rapidly growing global population. “The fact of the matter is that ruminants are the only animals that are able to convert feeds that are inedible to humans to actual high quality products …
Mitloehner on Myth Busting Mission at #ONEBigIdea
Dr. Frank Mitloehner has been on a mission to debunk myths about agriculture with clear communication and data, successfully illustrating the relationships among human activities, animal digestion, food production and atmospheric chemistry. The UC Davis Animal Science professor known as @GHGGuru on Twitter will be the final Alltech ONE Virtual Experience keynote presentation this week, offering his insights on what …
Alltech Specialists Help Producers Cope with COVID-19
Protecting farm workers is paramount during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Jorge Delgado, Alltech on-farm dairy training specialist. Delgado said the company is now using online platforms to train workers on dairy farms across the country how to be more efficient, productive and engaged while staying safe and healthy. “Finding workers to milk cows is extremely difficult,” said Delgado. “If …
Alltech Tackles Antibiotic Resistance in Poultry
Managing antibiotic resistance in poultry is a key topic for Dr. Kayla Price, poultry specialist and technical manager, Alltech Canada. Price is part of the Poultry Focus Session of the Alltech ONE Virtual Experience. She said although antibiotics are being banned in many cases as growth promoters, that is only part of the story as sick animals still need treatment …
Welcome to a Whole New ONE
The Alltech ONE Virtual Experience is underway and over 20,000 people from more than 100 countries are participating in this new and re-imagined way of conferencing and connecting. Alltech President and CEO Dr. Mark Lyons welcomed participants this morning to the experience that was necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic but that he says they have wanted to do for a …
Animal Ag News 5/18
The Animal Agriculture Alliance recently hired Emily Solis as communications specialist, beginning May 11. In this role, Solis will work to execute the Alliance’s issues management and communications strategy. The U.S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division provided guidance for collaboration among U.S. hog farmers to effectively address unprecedented challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The favorable decision is in …
Alltech ONE Virtual Experience Begins Today
The Alltech ONE Virtual Experience kicks off today at precisely 9:00 a.m. Eastern time, or whatever time that is wherever you are. The week-long event begins with a welcome address from Alltech President and CEO Dr. Mark Lyons, followed by keynote presenter Cady Coleman, Retired NASA Astronaut and STEM Advocate. Live question and answer sessions with attendees will be part …
Alltech ONE Virtual to Offer COVID-19 Insight
The Alltech One Virtual Experience gets underway on May 18 bringing live, on-demand keynote addresses, presentations and interactive sessions on a variety of timely topics to thousands of participants around the world. Of course, COVID19 will frame much of the discussion, and one presentation will feature South Dakota cattle rancher and BEEF Daily blogger Amanda Radke who will be discussing …