Alltech Will Glimpse The Future in 2020

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s time for one of the best shows of the year, the 2013 Alltech International Symposium. Maggie Seiler, ZimmComm summer intern, and I are on our way. This is a fantastic event for a (perhaps) future agriblogger to jump right into the waters. We’ll kick off our Symposium adventure this evening at the International Welcome Reception and Dinner, featuring world …

Agribusiness, Alltech

Enter Alltech’s Farming Film Festival

Jamie Johansen

Get your cameras rolling for Alltech’s Annual Farming Film Festival. Everybody knows that farmers work extremely hard to feed the world, but not everyone knows how much science goes into farming every day. Farmers are always observing, learning and searching for new ways to take better care of their land, livestock and crops. This is your chance to show the …

Alltech, Video

Animal Nutritional Solutions at Alltech

Jamie Johansen

The 2013 NCBA Trade Show brought industry leaders together to share their latest in agriculture research and technology during the Cattle Industry Convention. Like always, Alltech had a constant crowd gathered to here their newest techniques in agriculture nutrition and technology. I spoke with Jim Bannerman, National Accounts Manager with Alltech, and he shared their focus for 2013. “We always …

Alltech, Audio, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA

Season’s Greetings from Alltech

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s time now for a holiday message from our friends at Alltech. Enjoy some world class music! Season’s Greetings from Alltech In the spirit of the season we hope you enjoy this sample of performances from the Alltech Holiday Celebration of Song with the UK Opera Theatre. Alltech believes in community involvement. The Alltech Vocal Scholarship Competition is the largest …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Video

Branding Without Fire & Ice

Jamie Johansen

What makes Coca-Cola different from milk? Elizabeth Bagby, Alltech’s Corporate Marketing Manager, answered that question with branding. She addressed the essence of a brand and why beef and dairy producers need brands at the 2012 Global 500. But most importantly she shared what brands we all can learn from. The concept of branding, interestingly enough, comes from cattle branding. The …

Advertising, Alltech, Audio, Beef, Dairy

Connecting Beef Producers to Data

Jamie Johansen

Alltech’s Global 500 brought beef producers from across the globe together to network and gather information to take home. During the beef breakout session Bob Sand, founder and CEO of The Beef Connection, shared his vision for being a service organization that enables both beef cattle producers and industry suppliers to prosper and become more sustainable. The Beef Connection focuses …

Alltech, Audio, Beef

The Gene Chip

Jamie Johansen

The gene chip my sound somewhat futuristic, but it is actually something we have capabilities of using today. Alltech is on the cutting edge of research on the gene chip. Kate Jacques is Alltech’s director of nutrition and serves as part of the research group for the gene chip. The science behind the gene chip is state-of-the-art and it was …

Alltech, Audio, Beef, Dairy, Research, Technology

A Worldly Discussion on Beef

Jamie Johansen

A highlight for my first trip to Alltech’s Global 500 was the discussion dinners. Being a beef producer myself, I was excited to attend one on the beef industry. How often do you get the chance to discuss and share ideas about farming with people from around the world. After an intimate steak dinner with about 40 Global 500 attendees …

Alltech, Audio, Beef

Social Media – Listen. Talk. Ask.

Jamie Johansen

To help wrap up Alltech’s Global 500 last week Billy Frey, Senior Vice President of the Alltech Ag Network, and David Butler, Alltech’s Web Marketing Manager, discussed the future of communication. What does the future hold in terms of communication? Well, if you ask these guys the answer is social media. People don’t turn to magazines, newspapers or even television …

Alltech, Audio, Media, Social Media, Social Networking

Beef Ambassadors Share Love For Beef @ Global 500

Jamie Johansen

There was no way you could miss the National Beef Ambassadors at Global 500. They were the sharp looking young people in matching bright red shirts. I took the opportunity to talk with them and walked away completely motivated by their enthusiasm for the beef industry. These newly selected ambassadors come from all over the US and spend the year …

Alltech, Audio, Beef, Education, NCBA, Video