2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

IFAMA Shows GLIMPSE of Africa’s Future

Chuck Zimmerman

The Agribusiness and Food World Forum by the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association and Corporate Council for Africa has completed. One of the speakers was good friend, Aidan Connolly, vice president, corporate affairs for Alltech. He shared his “GLIMPSE” of the future; A lens through which to view Africa’s rising.” GLIMPSE is an acronym developed by Connolly that identifies …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Alltech, International, Video

All About Bees

Chuck Zimmerman

How much do you know about bees? Want to know more? Then listen to this excerpt from Becky Timmons closing session presentation at the Alltech International Symposium. She gave us some very interesting statistics. For example, the average honeybee will live about one month. A hive of bees must fly about 55,000 miles to make a pound of honey. Just …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Audio

Africa: Land of Opportunity

Chuck Zimmerman

Africa: Land of Opportunity was a very popular session during the Alltech International Symposium. The session was chaired by Aidan Connolly, Alltech, who opened the session with some remarks about the African marketplace. Following that opening the session included multiple panel discussions like this one featuring, Fu Wenge, Chinese Ministry of Agriculture; Mark Lyons, Alltech; Julie Borlaug Larson, Texas A&M …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Audio, International, Uncategorized

Alltech Scientists Speaking Out

Chuck Zimmerman

The agricultural media covering the Alltech Symposium this week heard from several key scientists during a lunch session. This provided an opportunity to meet them and ask them questions in an informal setting outside of their on stage presentations. First up was Becky Timmons, Alltech Global Director of Applications Research and Quality. Becky loves to talk about algae and the …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Health, Audio

Alltech Young Scientist Winners

Chuck Zimmerman

This year over 8,500 students competed in the Alltech Young Scientist competition. That field was narrowed to eight who traveled to the Symposium to present their research papers to a panel of judges. On stage today, Dr. Mark Lyons and Dr. Inge Russell presented the global undergraduate and graduate awards. The undergraduate winner is Gillian Johnson, University of Limerick, Ireland. …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Education, University

Alltech Precision Agriculture Philosophy and Vision

Chuck Zimmerman

Chief Scientific Officer for Alltech, Dr. Karl Dawson, caught my attention with his presentation at the Alltech Symposium titled, “What if we put true precision in “Precision Agriculture?” The focus was on animal agriculture, something most people don’t associate with the term precision agriculture. But as you’ll hear him say in an interview I conducted with him it is a …

Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio

Alltech International Species Forums

Chuck Zimmerman

Do you have a favorite species? Aqua, Beef, Dairy, Equine, Pet, Poultry or Pig? At the Alltech Symposium this afternoon we have separate moderated forums taking place on each of these topics and one on Agribusiness. These forums provide an opportunity for attendees to discuss issues with each other which makes for a more interactive experience than just listening to …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Agriculture

Alltech Founder Dr. Pearse Lyons Reminsces

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program I’m sharing a conversation with one of my favorite entrepreneurs, Dr. Pearse Lyons, Alltech, at the company’s annual Symposium. Since I’ve had the opportunity to attend the annual Alltech Symposiums I’ve told many people that it is the best conference I’ve ever attended that’s put on by a single company. That is still true this year. …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Health, Audio, Food, ZimmCast

Alltech Kentucky Night

Chuck Zimmerman

The Alltech Symposium isn’t all just educational sessions. It’s also a time for having fun with friends. Friends from around the world. Here’s a group from Brazil getting together during last night’s Kentucky Night dinner at the Alltech Arena in the Kentucky Horse Park. My ZimmGlass was a topic of discussion as it has been throughout the event. Most of …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Video

Alltech Medal of Excellence to Dr. Norman Borlaug

Chuck Zimmerman

Julie Borlaug Larson, granddaughter to Dr. Norman Borlaug, was on stage this morning to accept a posthumous Alltech Medal of Excellence award for the “Father of the Green Revolution.” The award was presented by Aidan Connolly, Alltech. “Through his adaptation of new wheat technologies and improved crop management practices, Dr. Borlaug saved more than a billion people worldwide from starvation,” …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Audio