MachineryLink is one of our Talking News Release customers and with the wheat harvest upon us shortly they thought it was a good time to send a targeted message (with audio of course) to the Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas area. You can download the full release at: MachinerlyLink Release
I didn’t know there was such a thing as a post-patent company until now. However, I’m sure Jeff will do a good job on the board for Jack!
Brown + Associates Blazed New Horizons
If only there were enough time to post them all. But then again no one else has sent their NAMA awards information. See the end of this post for more on where to find them all.
New National Account Sales Manager At Fastline
This just in from Meg Gotti at Fastline Publications:
Radius From Bayer CropScience Recieves EPA Registration
Hot off the press from Bayer CropScience. So hot I didn’t see it on their own website yet! It’s always news when a new product receives it’s EPA approval.
CDMS Has A New Marketing Manager
I’d like to welcome Cary Steward, CDMS, a new subscriber to AgriMarketing Pros, using NewsGator! Cary sent in a few releases which I thought I’d post for you.
200,000,000 Doses Is A Lot of Doses
Novartis is running a special promotion to celebrate the success of Vira Shield. I don’t know all the ways this will be promoted but I think a Talking News Release would be a good idea!
I Guess The Future Is In The Futures
At least Craig Donohue thinks so. If you’d like to hear him talk about it I hope you’re an executive in Chicago.
Lallemand Basket Winners
You know how trade show booths always have little contests and drawings? Ever wonder who wins? I do. That’s why I had to post this. I actually received a card by mail from Lallemand Animal Nutrition announcing the winners of the Lallemand baskets at the 2005 NCBA in San Antonio (You can still see our posts from the convention through the NCBA Convention category archive).
Merial Giving The Cattle Gain Guarantee
The latest Talking News Release from Merial describes the guarantee program for producers using IVOMEC Plus.