RFA Ethanol Podcast

Entering AdFarm

Chuck Zimmerman

AdFarm Open HouseContinuing our little series of photos from the AdFarm open house. Here’s the upstairs entrance way with greeting committee number 2. The open house was very well attended and keeping with what KC, MO is famous for they had plenty of great barbeque!


AdFarm Open House

Chuck Zimmerman

AdFarm Open HouseBefore things really got going at the NAFB convention this week agricultural advertising agency, AdFarm, held an open house at their new office location. Here’s the welcoming committee downstairs at the old Western Union building.


Kathy Cornett Talks About Dairy Directory Project

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast39 - Kathy CornettThis week I interviewed Kathy Cornett, CEO of McCormick Company, about a unique project her agency recently completed. They have published the first ever Southwest Plains Dairy Directory. This printed directory is also available in an online, searchable database. I thought it was interesting that a full service advertising agency created a publication but it’s not the first time McCormick Company has done something like this. Remember AgriTalk?

Agencies, Audio, Podcasts, ZimmCast