2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Osborn & Barr Retains Them

Chuck Zimmerman

Osborn & BarrMore Osborn & Barr Communications people are moving up. The agency says that it has “creative and account service employees that have been with the company almost since its inception 16 years ago, some starting as interns and later becoming senior account executives, others holding top executive positions.” CEO Steve Barr, attributes the retention to a willingness to let employees push their potential: “Our senior people work alongside our junior employees. We believe that development is a key to success, especially in a defined market such as ours. As individuals progress, we promote them to new levels of responsibility.”


The Boot Wearers

Chuck Zimmerman

AdFarm Open HouseI really didn’t think anyone would identify the boots that I posted yesterday so here’s the “rest of the story.” These are the sexy black boot wearers who were at the AdFarm open house.


AdFarm Windmill

Chuck Zimmerman

AdFarm Open HouseWhen I asked what would be the ideal place to take a picture inside the new AdFarm offices in Kansas City, it was a unanimous “the windmill” so here we are. In the photo are Scott Kurfman (l) and Bob Wilhelm (r).
