2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Are Publishers Ethical?

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag Media Summit WorkshopEthics again. I interviewed David Markey by phone a few days ago at his office in Dublin, Ireland and now he’s here in the states. He just gave a workshop on “Can Publishers Afford To Be Ethical?” It’s clear that the whole issue is very “unclear.” However, in his publication group everything is run by his editors. He issues no mandate from on high. As we heard yesterday at the ARC meeting and again today, there’s just more and more pressure being put on ag media to run public relations material. I thought it was very interesting that although David will publish an advertorial he charges 25 percent more to the advertiser. Makes sense to me.

Ag Media Summit, IFAJ

Where Did I Put That Picture?

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag Media Summit WorkshopThe afternoon sessions of the Ag Media Summit have just concluded. One that was standing room only was conducted by Mike Raine, The Western Producer, on “Digital Image Management.” I don’t know why everyone was so interested. Don’t you just dump all your images off your memory card onto a CD and put it in the pile on your shelf? Not. Get a “system.”

Ag Media Summit

No Color Printer At The Hilton

Chuck Zimmerman

Milwaukee RiverwalkAllow me to rant for a moment. While the ARC panel is going on I thought I’d see if I could get a document color printed here at the Hilton. No color printers on site. The concierge sent me on a 15 minute walk to Kinkos. Guess she didn’t know that it closes at 2pm on Saturday. So on my 15 minute walk back I did take this picture of the Milwaukee Riverwalk area. It had a calming effect on my feelings at that moment. It’s hard to see in this little photo but Usinger’s, a fine Wisconsin sausage maker is in the background.

Ag Media Summit, ARC

Complete ABM Agri Council Study To Be Released At AMS

Chuck Zimmerman

ABM Agri CouncilThis is going to be my last post until I’m in Milwaukee. That’s because I’m driving and will be most of tomorrow. So I thought I’d get in one last post about the Ag Media Summit. One of the 3 main organizing groups, the American Business Media Agri Council, will be presenting the complete results of their media usage study next Tuesday. We pointed you to it recently and the webcast just touched on the highlights. I’ll try to get more details to provide you next week.

Ag Media Summit, Media, Publication

Special ZimmCast With IFAJ President From Ireland

Chuck Zimmerman

International Federation of Agricultural JournalistsI hope you like an Irish accent because you’ll get one in this special edition ZimmCast. The president of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists is David Markey. He’s CEO of IFP Media in Dublin, Ireland and he’s my guest in this interview program. He’s also presenting at the Agricultural Media Summit that gets underway this weekend. I caught up with him in his office and I think you’ll enjoy hearing him talk about IFAJ and why it’s good for us to get together and trade information from around the world.

Ag Media Summit, Audio, IFAJ, ZimmCast