2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ag Media Summit Preview

Chuck Zimmerman

You’re going to be seeing some regular pre-Ag Media Summit posts here like this one since I was talking with Diane Johnson today about how things are looking. She says that it’s going to be a big one since more and more companies are realizing that this is “the place to be.” Diane says there’s already 75 exhibitors confirmed which …

Ag Media Summit, Audio

Be A Sponsor Cowboy

Chuck Zimmerman

We’re looking ahead to next year and you know how you like to plan your budgets. Have you got some money to support IFAJ and AMS? If your company or organization would like to help support the IFAJ Congress 2009 then you can find information on how with the all new sponsor brochure (pdf). The world’s premier agricultural communicators will …

Ag Media Summit, IFAJ

Boelte Boys Ready For Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

In just a few short weeks it’s going to be time for the Ag Media Summit once again. Are you ready for the games to begin? The boys for Boelte-Hall are and they’ve arranged for some airport transportation once again. We will again be at the airport providing transportation to Saddlebrook Resort. Our complimentary service will be available all day …

Ag Media Summit

Ag Media Summit Logo Contest

Chuck Zimmerman

Want to make a few dollars putting your creative skills to use? Consider designing a logo for the 2008 Ag Media Summit. You can find all the details in this document. (pdf) The winner will get $100 and lots of online and conference glory.

Ag Media Summit

DTN, Progressive Farmer To Hold Inaugural Ag Summit

Laura McNamara

Farmers and growers will have the opportunity to talk business, politics and more at the first-annual DTN/Progressive Farmer Ag Summit. Mark your calendars for early December. DTN and The Progressive Farmer magazine announced today that it will host its first agriculture summit on December 5-7 at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago. The 2007 DTN/Progressive Farmer Ag Summit, “Grow …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Farming

LPC Gala Rally

Chuck Zimmerman

I didn’t use a picture of the YMCA at the Ag Media Summit but I did post the video. If you didn’t have any fun at the Ag Media Summit then you should stop by the rally for the Livestock Publications Council annual Gala. It’s time to rally the troops for the LPC Gala and have an end of summer …

Ag Media Summit, LPC

NAFB Board Meets At Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

The National Association of Farm Broadcasting held a board meeting at the Ag Media Summit last week. Does this mean the group’s giving some consideration to getting with the program? I don’t know. A presentation was made to the group by folks representing the AMS though. Here’s some happy looking NAFB’ers bellying up at Huber Winery last week. I don’t …

Ag Media Summit, NAFB

The Canadian Urban Cowboy Blogs

Chuck Zimmerman

Thanks to Kyle Maw for reminding me about the Urban Cowboy and his blog. Owen Roberts was one of the judges of the AMS Idol competition at the Ag Media Summit btw. I’m looking forward to visiting the University of Guelph later this year (next month) to conduct a day long class in new media for graduate ag communications students. …

Ag Media Summit, International

Strumming His Blag

Chuck Zimmerman

He’s John Walter and actually he was strumming a guitar at the Ag Media Summit. John’s the editor of Agriculture Online and the new president of the American Agricultural Editors Association. John does have a blog though. Or maybe I should say a Blag? If you blog about ag I guess that makes it a blag. It’s Blaggin’ on Ag. …

Ag Media Summit, Media