Agricultural Retailers Gather in California

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2015 ARA Conference & Expo is underway in Palm Desert, CA. Opening the general session this morning is Steve Peterson, Retired Director of Sourcing & Sustainability, General Mills. I’ll share an interview with him later. We have a big crowd attending again this year. The theme is Performance. Precision. Passion. and the conference programs reflect those concepts. After a …

Ag Groups, ARA

FFA Joins #GivingTuesday Movement

Kelly Marshall

The National FFA Organization and the National FFA Foundation are encouraging the use of #GivingTuesday.  Held on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, the day is designed to encourage generosity after the shopping events of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  The FFA hopes to inspire others to give back and support causes they in which they believe. “Donations to the National FFA Foundation …

Ag Groups, FFA

ARA Performance. Precision. Passion. Preview.

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s time to get back on the agriblogging highway with a trip to the 2015 Agricultural Retailers Association Conference & Expo. The theme is Performance. Precision. Passion. We’re going to discover how performance, precision and passion shapes success through presentations, networking and exhibits at this event for ag retailers and suppliers. You can still attend if you would like and …

Ag Groups, ARA, Audio, ZimmCast

Happy Thanksgiving from the American Doorstop Project

Kelly Marshall

Before 1863 each state scheduled its own day of thanksgiving at different times, generally states in New England.  But on Oct. 3 of that year President Abraham Lincoln gave a proclamation setting a National Day of Thanksgiving. “The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, …

Ag Groups

AMSA Launches

Jamie Johansen

The American Meat Science Association (AMSA) has debuted their new website, The consumer focused site provides accurate, fact-based information from U.S. meat scientists to help consumers make informed decisions regarding the meat their families enjoy. “ is the perfect avenue to relay the research of countless meat scientists into digestible information our consumers are looking for. Targeting our audience …

Ag Groups, Food, Meat

USFRA Educational Initiative – Discovering FARMLAND

Chuck Zimmerman

The U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance has announced a new education initiative that will provide high school students a first-hand glimpse into modern agriculture. The project has been created in conjunction with Discovery Education. Titled Discovering FARMLAND, the interactive resources allow teachers and students to experience the industry through the eyes of six young farmers and ranchers, all while learning …

Ag Groups, Audio, Education, USFRA

First Female President for National Grange

Kelly Marshall

Delegates of National Grange recently elected their national officers.  Of note among them is Betsy Huber, the first woman to be elected president of the organization. Begun in 1867, Grange is noted as America’s number one rural family advocates.  Huber has been serving as a member of the Board of Directors as chairperson since 2007.  Her new position will require working …

Ag Groups

Sorghum Checkoff Selects New Team Members

Kelly Marshall

The United Sorghum Checkoff Program has recently promoted and hired new team members.  The positions have been filled in the communications and high value markets departments. Faith Jurek has been serving as the communications director and has now been promoted to Consumer Communications Strategist.  She will lead consumer communications in regards to human and pet food areas of the sorghum …

Ag Groups, sorghum

FCC Update from #NAFB15

Jamie Johansen

Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) commissioner, Ajit Pai, made a trip to Kansas City, MO to address attendees of the 2015 National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s (NAFB) annual convention. Commissioner Pai’s has been focused on creating a regulatory environment in which competition and innovation will benefit the American consumer. The FCC is committed to adopting policies that will give private firms …

Ag Groups, Audio, NAFB