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Corn Grower Staff Learn More About Europe

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s CornTalk, MCGA/MCMC CEO, Gary Marshall goes into more detail about the State Executive Staff Mission to Europe hosted by the U.S. Grains Council. He just returned from the trip, which included stops in Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland. Marshall discusses highlights of the trip relating to trade issues such as biotechnology, WTO negotiations, and the differences between Eastern and Western European nations.

Ag Groups, Audio

NRECA Gets The Legislative Word Out

Chuck Zimmerman

This week I have a great opportunity to showcase how one of our Talking News Release clients, National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association (NRECA). They use us to distribute good, timely news information to radio reporters, especially from meetings like their just-completed Legislative Conference where they brought in over 3,200 members from around the country to learn about issues and lobby their congressmen.

Ag Groups, Audio

Molly Moo & Kids Too

Chuck Zimmerman

Beef Day at the Missouri Capitol featured a proclamation from the governor (who didn’t show up in person) proclaiming May, Beef Month in Missouri. These kids were there to learn more about beef, see live cows and get their picture taken with Molly Moo, the cardboard cutout.

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