Here’s something you don’t see everyday. I went to church yesterday not knowing that there’s a racing ministry that arranges on-site services here in the conference center on Sunday morning. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a priest with a b&w checkered stole!
Pit Prep For Team Ethanol
The pit area was pretty quiet early except for crew members like these who are out prepping their equipment and getting ready for the big event.
Marching Bands Warm Up The Track
It’s early at the track but eventhough I left my hotel at 5:20am it still took me an 1 1/2 hours to get here. I guess multiple marching bands for entertainment on the track is a tradition. This Navy band from Illinois was the first in a long line of bands that are still marching out here.
Illinois Corn Sponsors Team Ethanol
One of the sponsors of Team Ethanol this year is the Illinois Corn Marketing Board. Representing them at the media event on Friday was Bryan Fogerson, board member and corn grower from Tuscola, IL. Bryan allowed me to interview him about his organization’s sponsorship and he talks about what the increased use of ethanol will mean to farmers and consumers.
E85 Stickers Everywhere
Just walking downtown near the parade I saw a parked Indy 500 Chevy Suburban and it was displaying the E85 sticker.
Indy 500 Parade Is History
I made it to the parade today. I wasn’t ready when Hemelgarn racing driver Jimmy Kite came by but here he is, just looking the other way. Huge crowd downtown. The parade took just under 2 hours start to finish.
Ethanol Car Not The Only Ethanol Vehicle At Indy
With all the excitement about the ethanol car you may wonder if that’s the only way ethanol is being promoted here at the Indy Speedway. Nope. Chevrolet has a huge display area inside the track and featured in the middle of it is one of their Avalanche E85 trucks. All in all ethanol is getting some great publicity here.
Final Preparation Day For Indy500
It’s a relaxing day in Indianapolis. I’m sure you’d be interested to know about my morning jog along the Canal Walk and that I’m having to work out of a Starbucks to get high speed access since the hotel I’m in only has dial-up! But a little capuccino and some good blues music and high speed and I’m happy.
Ethanol Powered Indy Car Makes History
Today’s running of car #91, Hemelgarn Racing, around the Indianapolis Speedway was the subject of a Talking News Release for the Ethanol Promotion & Information Council. The release was distributed as soon after the car made its historic laps as possible to radio reporters nationwide. The release was structured a little differently than normal. It contains links to 5 full interviews that reporters (or you) can download and listen to and use on the air. Additionally, there’s links to photos that can also be easily downloaded for media use (or yours). It’s a very complete media package. Maybe next time we’ll include video!
220 MPH Of Ethanol Power
I tried to take a picture like this today from trackside but I wasn’t prepared and you need to practice. In one photo I got the front tires, another the rear tires and in a couple I got zipidy-do-da. When the car’s moving at 220 mph and you’re standing still it just isn’t easy. Thanks to IMS Photo for the picture!