As already posted here on AgWired, the Cattlemen’s Beef Board operating committee has recommended a new budget so that’s what this week’s MBIC Report is all about.
Beef Board Operating Budget Recommended
The Beef Board has a new operating budget to vote on.
Beef – It’s What’s For Father’s Day
Don’t you know that I’ll be grilling this coming Saturday?!
Senator Jim Talent Talks Energy In This Week’s CornTalk
Energy legislation is sure to be a big topic of discussion in the ag world this week so the Missouri Corn Growers Association CornTalk program features an interview with MO Senator Jim Talent.
Secretary Of Ag Visits Pork Producers
Our new Secretary of Ag has certainly made it a point of seeing everyone this year. I think he just went to Des Moines for the barbeque though!
A Farm Group Blogger – The NAWG Blog
He’s blazing a new trail into the blogoshpere! Introducing:
FAR (out) Precision Farming
The Foundation for Agronomic Research is a non-profit agronomic research and education organization whose mission is to improve the economic vigor and sustainability of agriculture in North America and around the world, while protecting and enhancing the environment.
The Plant People Are At It Again
When the American Phytopathological Society decides to hold a meeting they get serious about it. You can visit their website for a full (32 page!) brochure.
Pell & Armstrong On Stage Together
Here’s a picture I’d really like to see. Max Armstrong and Al Pell co-hosting an event! I think they would make a good pair.
Beef, It’s What’s For Dinner Don’t You Know
I’ll tell you one thing I don’t want to do on AgWired and that’s get into the whole beef industry issue war. I say “Can’t we all just get along?”