Major League Baseball may not be very happy about the new Got Milk tv ads but I say, “Get a life.” They’re funny and created by the California Milk Processor Board.
Beef Is What Ambassadors Are Made Of
Maybe I could enter as an “old” student and be an ambassador for beef! If you read AgWired you’ll probably get the impression that I think beef is good. But if you’re a real student you can compete for some cashola.
Hass Avocado Board Announcement
There’s some new people on the Hass Avocado Board thanks to Sec. Johannes. I thought you might want to know.
Learn How Beef Producers Influence The Checkoff
This week’s MBIC report from the Missouri Beef Industy Council is with board member John Kleiboeker of California, Missouri, who is also a member of the Cattlemen’s Beef Board Joint Nutrition and Health Issues Committee. John talks about how Missouri producers can provide input on how beef checkoff dollars are spent on the national level.
Pasta & Pork Month
This just looks good. Maybe it’s because I’m hungry but I like what I see. You just never know what you’re going to get here on AgWired and right now it’s a recipe because it’s Pasta Month and the North Dakota Wheat Commission wants everyone to know it since if you’re eating pasta it might have got its start there.
New MCGA President Outlines Priorities
CornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with the newly elected president of the organization, Terry Hilgedick. Terry outlines the priorities for the organization this year, including the Missouri Renewable Fuel Standard, which will see significant action in the upcoming legislative session. Terry also talks about the corn harvest, comparing it to last year and as he puts it, “What a difference a year makes.”
Avoid Fuzzy Pumpkins
One way to bring attention to your organization is to apply what you do to what people are interested in. For example, the American Phytopathological Society has these tips for picking a healthy pumpkin and also provides some very technical information about what causes, um, unhealthiness.
No More “Go Baby Go” For Thoroughbred Racing
The National Thoroughbred Racing Association is going to have a new advertising campaign tag line for the first time since 1998 when they started with “Go Baby Go.” They estimate that about $5 million will be spent in “media value,” including national and regional NTRA and member racetrack media buys.
Cotton Industry Tour Coming Up
For the 34th time there will be a Cotton USA Orientation Tour. This year there will be 24 participants representing 13 countries in Asia and Latin America. It’s put on by Cotton Council International.
Florida Honey Marketing Might Be Buzzing
Since I saw that Florida Farm Bureau is supporting the creation of a Florida honey marketing cooperative it gave me an excuse to write about one of my former employers. Yes, I worked for FFBF way back when (early 1980’s) as the Broadcast Manager. That was an interesting time . . .