Pasta & Pork Month

Chuck Zimmerman

Spaghetti Pizza PieThis just looks good. Maybe it’s because I’m hungry but I like what I see. You just never know what you’re going to get here on AgWired and right now it’s a recipe because it’s Pasta Month and the North Dakota Wheat Commission wants everyone to know it since if you’re eating pasta it might have got its start there.

Ag Groups

New MCGA President Outlines Priorities

Chuck Zimmerman

CornTalk podcastCornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with the newly elected president of the organization, Terry Hilgedick. Terry outlines the priorities for the organization this year, including the Missouri Renewable Fuel Standard, which will see significant action in the upcoming legislative session. Terry also talks about the corn harvest, comparing it to last year and as he puts it, “What a difference a year makes.”

Ag Groups, Corn, Podcasts