RFA Ethanol Podcast

Missouri Corn Industry Year In Review

Chuck Zimmerman

CornTalk podcastCornTalk is the week’y interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. The association has accomplished many things during a very challenging year for corn growers. In this week’s CornTalk, CEO Gary Marshall provides a year in review. He describes the challenges facing corn growers, reviews the accomplishments of the MCGA and looks forward to some of the key issues the organization will focus on in the coming year.

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Podcasts

Niche Pork Is Unique Pork

Chuck Zimmerman

Niche PorkAt first when I saw this announcement I wasn’t sure it would fit here on AgWired but then I saw that it contained a link to a website I haven’t ever seen before. It’s Niche Pork, The Other Opportunity. Actually I couldn’t tell you what niche pork was until surfing around on the website.

Ag Groups, Pork

Enhancing Value For Missouri Corn Growers

Chuck Zimmerman

CornTalk podcastCornTalk is the week’y interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. This week the program features an update on the MCGA Value Enhancement Program. MCGA Director of Market Development, Gary Wheeler, talks about how the organization works to capture value for its members. Additionally, Wheeler discusses the importance to Missouri corn growers of the reopening of the Japanese market to U. S. beef and he offers some advice to growers as they look forward to next year’s crop.

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Podcasts

A Smoked Pork Loin Martini

Chuck Zimmerman

Taste of Elegance WinnerI am very behind in posting the winner of the 6th annual Mid-Atlantic Taste of Elegance contest that was held in Baltimore, MD. The winner was James Matthew Wolff, executive chef at Innovative Gourmet Caterers, Owings Mills, Md.

Ag Groups, Pork