RFA Ethanol Podcast

Many Voices One Vision at AFBF Annual Mtg.

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s time for the 2013 American Farm Bureau Annual Meeting and I’m on my way. Cruising above 10,000 feet right now and thank you GoGo InFlight wifi. Listen to AFBF President, Bob Stallman, talk about the importance of this meeting here (.mp3). There are an estimated 6,000 farmers and ranchers expected to attend AFBF’s 94th annual meeting. Here’s the purpose …

AFBF, Ag Groups

MediaPlanet and Agriculture in America

Chuck Zimmerman

Agriculture in America. Who are the farmers? How are they working to feed a growing population? Good questions and ones that a recent publication insert into USA Today showcased some answers to. I hope you’ve seen it. Have you wondered how and why it was produced? Well wonder no more. In this week’s program I visit with Hailey Pierson, Senior …

AFBF, Ag Groups, Audio, Media, USFRA, ZimmCast

AFBF Goes to ‘Music City, USA’

Melissa Sandfort

The American Farm Bureau Federation has announced the country music artists who will be performing at its 94th Annual Meeting, Jan. 13-16 in Nashville, Tenn., also known as “Music City, USA.” The three-part country music group Edens Edge will perform at the opening general session on Sunday Jan. 13, which begins at 9 a.m. The Arkansas trio is composed of …

AFBF, Agribusiness, Events

Schools Receive Ag in a Growing World Grants

Melissa Sandfort

Twenty-five schools were recently selected as grant recipients for the Agriculture in a Growing World program, made possible by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture with partnership from the Nutrients for Life Foundation. Grant recipients represent the following states: Ariz., Calif., Colo., Fla., Ga., Ill., Ind., Iowa, Kan., Ky., La., Md., Mich., Neb., N.J., N.M., N.Y., N.C., Ohio, Pa., …

AFBF, Education

Ag Group Leaders Trade Talk on Policy

Cindy Zimmerman

Having the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual meeting start the day after a presidential election gives leaders of agricultural organizations plenty to talk about at Trade Talk. In this edition of the ZimmCast, we hear from farmer leaders, lobbyists and staff members with eight different agricultural and renewable energy organizations commenting on the election, farm bill, fiscal cliff and …

AFBF, Audio, Corn, Ethanol, Farm Bill, NAFB, NCBA, NCGA, RFA, ZimmCast

Shoppers Pay Higher Prices for Breakfast Items

Melissa Sandfort

Shoppers paid slightly more for food at the grocery store during the third quarter of the year, with many popular breakfast staples showing an increase in retail price. Higher retail prices for eggs, bacon, orange juice, milk and toasted oat cereal, among other foods, resulted in a slight increase in the latest American Farm Bureau Federation Quarterly Marketbasket Survey. The …

AFBF, Agribusiness, Food

Expiration of the 2008 Farm Bill

Melissa Sandfort

The National Corn Growers Association has joined with other agricultural organizations on the following joint statement on the expiration yesterday of the 2008 farm bill: The 2008 law governing many of our nation’s farm policies expired on Sunday, September 30th, and the 2012 Farm Bill needed to replace it is bottled up in Congress. While the Senate and the House …

AFBF, Agribusiness, ASA, Farm Bill, NAWG, NCGA

More on AFBF Candidate Questionnaire

Cindy Zimmerman

Labor and estate tax are two areas where the two presidential candidates hold differing views in issues important to agriculture, according to results of the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) questionnaire released yesterday. “If there’s an area where they diverge in their approach, it would be helping to solve agriculture’s labor shortage,” said Linda Johnson, AFBF Director of Policy Research. …

AFBF, Audio, politics

AFBF Gets Candidate Answers on Ag Issues

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Farm Bureau Federation got answers from President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney in a questionnaire asking the candidates about their positions on energy, environmental regulations, farm labor and more. On farm policy, Obama said he understands the need for a strong farm safety net. “That’s why I increased the availability of crop insurance and emergency disaster …

AFBF, politics