2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Support for AG CONNECT is Growing

Cindy Zimmerman

Support is growing for the new global agriculture trade show set to debut January 2010 in Orlando. AG CONNECT Expo 2010 made several announcements this week about support for the show. For starters, the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) will co-locate its annual Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC) with the new international agriculture exhibition. It will also …

AEM, Equipment, Farm Shows, International

Get Ready for AgConnect Expo

Cindy Zimmerman

NAFB Trade Talk is a great way to get new information out to farm broadcasters and that is what the Association of Equipment Manufacturers did this year at the event, talking about the new AG CONNECT 2010 expo. Charlie O’Brien, vice president of agricultural services for AEM, had the chance to talk about the progress being made on the new …


Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

The Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) has been announced as a result of cooperation between the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM). The foundation is a manufacturer-led effort to advance global adoption of ISOBUS and electronics standards, which provide a means for greater electronic compatibility between equipment from different manufacturers. The initial focus is data …

AEM, Ag Groups

Credit Crunch Affecting Ag

Chuck Zimmerman

It looks like this whole credit crunch issue is affecting agriculture according to some testimony on Capitol Hill today by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers. You can watch a video of it here. The Chair of AEM’s Small Enterprise Committee, Richard A. Brown, testified on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 before the House Committee on Small Business at 10 a.m. EST. …

AEM, Equipment

Instant Feedback

Cindy Zimmerman

How many times have you been at a meeting and had to fill out some survey at the end giving your evaluation of how the meeting went and each individual presentation? That would be everyone. And then the people who did the meeting have to get all those pieces of paper back and add up all the responses and take …

AEM, Technology

Commodity Panel at AEM Ag Exec Forum

Cindy Zimmerman

Three commodity organization representatives attempted to answer the question on everyone’s mind right now regarding commodity trends – where are we headed? Steve Censky of the American Soybean Association, Fred Stemme with the National Corn Growers Association and Alan Tracy of US Wheat Associates all made presentations and took questions from the audience at the Association of Equipment Manufacturers AgExecutive …

AEM, Audio, Corn, Soybean, Wheat

Ag Equipment Execs on AG CONNECT

Cindy Zimmerman

A panel of six representatives from major farm equipment manufacturers took seats on a panel at the Association of Equipment Manufacturers AgExecutive Forum in St. Louis Thursday to discuss “The Next Generation of Ag Show” – AG CONNECT expo, scheduled for January 12-15, 2010 in Orlando. The executives, from left to right, were Doug DeVries, Deere and Company; Doug Griffin, …

AEM, Audio, Equipment

What Would You Say to McCain?

Cindy Zimmerman

Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain is causing quite a bit of concern among members of the agriculture and ethanol industries with his comments about farm programs and ethanol incentives. Last week in Missouri, McCain said, “My administration will reduce the price of food by eliminating the subsidies for ethanol and agricultural goods. These subsidies inflate the price of food, …

AEM, Audio, politics

Advocate for Agriculture

Cindy Zimmerman

Dr. Jay Lehr has the title of Science Director for an organization called The Heartland Institute, which is a national nonprofit research and education organization with the goal to “discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems.” He is also an entertaining and passionate speaker who believes in spreading the good news about agriculture to places that …

AEM, Agribusiness, Audio

Preview of AG CONNECT

Cindy Zimmerman

A preview of the new generation of ag show – AG CONNECT 2010 – was offered to ag executives meeting Thursday in St. Louis. Sara Truesdale Mooney has the job of show manager for this ambitious new ag show being organized by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers and she says they have taken a very deliberate approach in developing AG …

AEM, Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment