2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New AAEA President Kurt Lawton

Chuck Zimmerman

The gavel has been passed for the American Agricultural Editors Association. Holly Spangler passed it to Kurt Lawton, Corn & Soybean Digest. Kurt also made a nice memento presentation to Holly. BTW. Kurt was one of the first editors of what is now our Precision.AgWired.com website! After business was taken care of during last week’s Ag Media Summit I talked …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, IFAJ, Media

Ag Media Summit Concludes

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2014 Ag Media Summit has come and gone. But not here on AgWired. Sara and I will have lots more to post including our interviews from the InfoExpo trade show. The Chair for the AMS this year is Jennifer Carrico, Associate Editor, Midwest Ag Journal. We sat down during AMS to talk about this year’s program and what is …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, LPC

Ag Media Summit Community Service Project

Chuck Zimmerman

For several years now the Ag Media Summit has conducted a community service project that allows members of the AAEA and LPC to donate items to a good cause. This year that cause is the Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health. Members donated books, toy tractors and many other items which were delivered today by AAEA President Holly …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, LPC

AAEA Update from the President

Chuck Zimmerman

The President of the American Agricultural Editors Association is Holly Spangler, Associate Editor, Prairie Farmer. She’s pictured here with the current board of AAEA. They met yesterday and I sat down with her to talk about how AAEA is doing and what was on the agenda. Holly says that the board talked about the structure of the organization with several …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, Media

LPC and AAEA Student Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

During the Ag Media Summit several students were honored with some recognition and awards. The Livestock Publications Council presented the Forrest Bassford Award to Logan Britton, Kansas State University. Logan gave us a very touching emotional thank you in which he mentioned that he doesn’t have a farm background but is passionate about a careen in ag communications. I told …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Education, LPC, University

AAEA Announces Award Winners

Jamie Johansen

The American Agricultural Editors’ Association (AAEA) Legacy Committee has announced that three heroes of agriculture will be honored as the 2014 Distinguished Service and Lifetime Achievement Award recipients. The winners will be feted at an awards banquet during the Agricultural Media Summit, to be held July 29 at Indianapolis, Ind. The AAEA Distinguished Service Award (DSA) recipient is Joe Martin, …

ACN, Ag Groups

IFAJ Signs Agreement with FAO

Chuck Zimmerman

Hey AAEA members. What do you think about this new agreement between the IFAJ and FAO? Interested to hear your thoughts. Including from any NAFB, NAAJ or LPC members. Many people know that I’m not a big fan of the FAO but I do believe that agreements like this are worthwhile so that the main goal of IFAJ on behalf …

ACN, IFAJ, International, Media

Tax Day is AAEA Awards Deadline

Cindy Zimmerman

While you are wrapping up your taxes, hopefully you are also wrapping up your entries for the the AAEA Communications Awards for Design, Photography, Writing and Digital & Social Media. Entries have the same deadline as the IRS, postmarked by midnight April 15. Entry forms for each category are on each category’s specific web page. You need to be a …


Submit Nominations for Andy Markwart Horizon Award

Jamie Johansen

The Andy Markwart Horizon Award, presented by the AAEA Professional Improvement Foundation (PIF) and John Deere in a matching grant partnership, is an annual award given to an AAEA member who embodies the youthful vigor, energy, passion, dedication and creativity shown by Andy in his volunteer work for AAEA for many years. Andy, editor of The Furrow, died in 2006 …

ACN, Ag Groups

Show How Much You Like Being an AAEA Member

Talia Goes

How much do you love being an AAEA member and want the organization to grow? Enough to win $100? Shout it from your iPhone, Go Pro, Skype screen or whatever video contraption you’d like. The new I M AAEA video testimonial contest will give you the opportunity to win cash prizes! The video contest is open to all AAEA members, …

ACN, Media