The 2008 International Fuel Ethanol Workshop is getting underway here in Nashville. One thing I have already noticed is the number of international visitors here. I met someone from Canada and a couple from India was ahead of me at registration and I have seen many more from various countries wondering around the resort wearing FEW badges. Seems like there …
Great Pork BBQLossal
The winners of the 21st Great Pork BarbeQLossal have been officially announced – and the Grand Champions are Mike and Beth Wozniak of Brimfield, Illinois. They are the second two-time champions in a row for the event. They previously won in 2004. I spent some time at the BBQlossal before heading home on Saturday and got to speak with the …
Helping the Media at WPX
A well-run media center can make all the difference in the world when it comes to covering an event – and the World Pork Expo media center was exceptional. The main reason for that is Leah Schomburg of TriLix Marketing Group, who has been handling this event for seven years now. She was attentive to the needs of the media, …
Hog Stampede at WPX
About 100 Harley Davidson motorcycles cruised down the main drag at World Pork Expo Saturday morning – the annual “Cruisin’ with the Hogs” event. Gotta appreciate the tie-in there. Harley Davidson has actually been quite prominent around the expo this week I noticed. I wondered why the NAMA Bombers and Leah Guffey weren’t here – it was certainly an event …
Putting the Pork in World Pork Expo
What would World Pork Expo be without Pork? I guess just World Expo – right?? There is an abundance of pork at WPX, actually. Every hospitality tent offers pork for breakfast, lunch, dinner and/or appetizers. Kinda goes with the territory, doncha know? Here we see our National Pork Producer president Bryan Black cutting up some pork outside the NPPC tent, …
Novus Nutrition Innovation
The slogan for Novus International is “Performance Through Innovation” and that is why they employ more than 50 Ph.D. Animal Nutritionists and Doctors of Veterinary Medicine who work continuously to create new products and programs for animal health and nutrition. One of those is Dr. Brad Lawrence, a swine nutritionist who is manager of technical services for the Novus pork …
Flying Pigs
Who says pigs don’t fly? They do at World Pork Expo. The flag is a perfect image of the weather we had today in Des Moines – windy and sunny. Just a beautiful day. It’s fun to walk around the expo and see just how clever people are with the whole pig theme. You can see more shots of pig …
Glorious Day at WPX
For the second night in a row last night we had a major storm pass through the Des Moines area, and for the second day in a row the weather has been gorgeous. Today was even better than yesterday, which did get a bit muggy at times, even though we had some high winds. It was sunny and very pleasant. …
Cindys are Never Blah
Two Cindys are twice as fun as one and never blah! My buddy Cindy Cunningham with the National Pork Board/Pork Checkoff stopped by the Novus International tent to do a “Cindy Show” with me. Among the many things we talked about were how the pork checkoff is helping producers find new ways to save money on their operations during these …
What’s Up With Watt
Longevity for a family-owned and operated business is not all that common in today’s world of acquisitions, especially in the agribusiness and media worlds, but Watt Media is the exception to the rule. Greg Watt is the fourth generation president and CEO of Watt Publishing, a business started by his great grandfather J.W. Watt in 1917 through an acquisition of …