2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ACE Fueling Revolution Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

“Fueling Revolution” is the theme of the 21st Ethanol Conference & Trade Show which kicked off Tuesday in Omaha at the Qwest Center. The event is the big show of the year for the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE). The conference is expected to draw more than 1,200 attendees, with more than 200 companies represented at the trade show. Topics …


Gritty and Pretty

Cindy Zimmerman

First it was food for fuel, now it’s food for jewelry. It might not look like it, but this American flag pin is actually made out of grits. For those of you less enlightened Northerners who may not know what grits is – according to Wikipedia – “Grits is a Native American corn-based food common in the Southern United States, …


From the Cullers Family to 2000 Growers

Cindy Zimmerman

I have to give Michelle Cullers a lot of credit for the Kip Cullers’ Record Breaking Field Day event this week on the family farm. Her mother and sisters also helped out with the event, including making some absolutely delicious homemade ice cream for the BBQ. Kip is blessed with a wonderful family – including sons Noah and Naamen, who …

BASF, Farming

Field Day Headliner

Cindy Zimmerman

Kip Culler’s Record Breaking Field Day photo album One of the main secrets to Kip Cullers’ record breaking yields is BASF Headline fungicide and it was definitely one of the stars of the show this week at Kip’s Record Breaking Field Day in Southwest Missouri. I spoke with Dr. Gary Fellows, Technical Service Manager for BASF, who says that Headline …

Audio, BASF, Farming

Dow AgroSciences to Acquire Dairyland Seed

Cindy Zimmerman

Dow AgroSciences announced today it is acquiring Dairyland Seed Company and affiliate Bio-Plant Research. According to a company release, the addition of Dairyland Seed will build upon Dow AgroSciences’ current seeds business and will expand its broad range of product offerings. The agreement includes all crop genetics, brands, plant breeding programs in hybrid corn, soybeans and alfalfa as well as …

Agribusiness, Seed

Farm Broadcast Fashion

Cindy Zimmerman

Janet Adkinson of KMZU radio in Carrollton, Missouri models the latest haute couture accessory accent for the trendy farm broadcaster. Note that the style is both fashionable and functional, not to mention adaptable for both male and female farm broadcasters. I expect to see this accessory trend showing up all over the farm broadcast world. Janet is a trend setter! …

BASF, Media

Kixor Kicks Up Weed Control

Cindy Zimmerman

Let’s make this perfectly clear up front – Kixor is not yet registered for use by the EPA. Registration is anticipated in late 2009 for the 2010 crop year. Okay – that being said – BASF is very excited about this new broadleaf herbicide they hope will eventually be approved for use on over 90 different crops. Trials are taking …

BASF, Farming, Video

Soybean Champion Coach

Cindy Zimmerman

Every successful champion has at least one good coach and world soybean yield champ Kip Cullers has several. One of his main advisers is BASF Technical Services Rep Dennis Belcher, who is based in Columbia, Missouri. “Kip and I over the last few years have worked very closely together,” Dennis says. In fact, Kip is in touch with Dennis on …

Audio, BASF, Farming

Top BASF Exec Visits SW Missouri

Cindy Zimmerman

The chance to visit a tiny town in southern Missouri where the biggest soybean yields in the world have been achieved was a great opportunity for Markus Heldt, BASF Group Vice President responsible for the ag chemical business in North America. Markus was really interested to see BASF products in the field and he was very impressed with the turnout …

Audio, BASF, Farming, Soybean

Kip Shares His Secrets

Cindy Zimmerman

When Kip Cullers told me two weeks ago that they were expecting 2000-3000 people for the first ever Kip Cullers Record Breaking Field Day, I really couldn’t believe it. But I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more than that by the time this event ends on Thursday because there had to be at least 500 out there today in …

Audio, BASF, Corn, Pioneer, Soybean