Off To Kansas City To Plan IFAJ 2009

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJPosting may be a little light today since I’ll be in Kansas City, MO. Tomorrow a group of us will be meeting to start pre-planning the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress 2009. I think the plan is to hold it in conjunction with the Ag Media Summit that year. If you have any ideas you’d like to offer, please feel free to let me know and I’ll be happy to pass them along.

Ag Media Summit, IFAJ

Growing Point Offers Virtual Plot Tours

Chuck Zimmerman

Pioneer's Growing Point WebsiteYou have to have a password to get into the Pioneer Growing Point Website but inside you’ll find a pretty cool feature right now. Virtual Plot Tours. I know they’re not a “new” thing but these are very well done in my opinion. They’re short videos that let you see the product in action and then there’s a ton of support information available. It’s also done by hybrid number so of course there’s lots of videos!


Sirius Names New VP of Marketing

Chuck Zimmerman

SiriusYou may be wondering. What’s Sirius got to do with ag communications? Well we might be surprised how many of these Sirius and XM satellite radio receivers are out there in trucks, tractors and combines. I’d sure like to know. I’ve written to them before trying to get them interested in some good ag news programming without much success. Hoever, today Sirius announced a new marketing director. What do you think the chances are that he’d have some influence with the programming department? Would he see ag as a good target for his product? On the surface you’d think rural customers would be a target but I’m wondering if the numbers are there to make them care.


55 Percent of Corporations Are Blogging

Chuck Zimmerman

Are you still wondering about blogging and don’t know if it has an application for you and your company? Are you reading this? If so, you have an involvement in blogging! At the just completed BlogOn 2005 in New York they released the results of Guidewire Group’s “Blogging in the Enterprise,” a first-ever study of the adoption of blogging by communications and marketing professionals. Now I’ve always told my kids, “Just because someone else is doing it doesn’t make it right.” However, there’s a lot of corporate blogging going on folks!
