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ZimmCast 667 – Feeding the Economy & Fueling Your WiFi

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. Since it is Ag Week and we just celebrated Ag Day I want to say thank you to farmers and everyone in the food and agribusiness industries for helping feed the world. Ag Week emphasizes the importance of agriculture and in this program I’m sharing a conversation about a new impact study of the …

Agribusiness, Audio, Technology, ZimmCast

Register for 2021 Virtual National Ag Day

Chuck Zimmerman

It is not too late to register for next week’s virtual National Ag Day program. Food brings everyone to the table. And this year, our virtual Ag Day celebration will bring everyone together to recognize the importance of American agriculture. The program will include both live and pre-recorded segments with remarks from government leaders on the agriculture industry’s economic growth …

Ag Day

CNH Presents First Digital Ag Machinery Fair – YOUNIVERSE

Chuck Zimmerman

CNH has created a unique digital machinery show called YOUNIVERSE and it runs April 9-18, 2021. In a rapidly changing landscape, where the worldwide agricultural trade fair program has been seriously disrupted, CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) has devised an exceptionally innovative way of reconnecting with its customers, the world’s farmers and the wider public. YOUNIVERSE, the …

Agribusiness, Equipment, Farm Shows, New Holland, Tractor

ZimmCast 666 – The Off-Farm Income Podcast and More

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. This week Commodity Classic is having a Special Edition. Which means virtual since it is not an in-person event this year. For many of you and including myself, it was the last farm show or event we’ve attended since the pandemic shutdown a year ago. But, like so many virtual events we’ve been participating …

Audio, Podcasts, ZimmCast

Syngenta Press Conference at 2021 Commodity Classic

Chuck Zimmerman

It is early on day one of the 2021 Commodity Classic Special Edition. First up on the schedule have been press conferences. I sat in on the Syngenta press conference which featured the following speakers and was moderated by Paul Minehart, Head, Corporate Communications, North America at Syngenta. You can listen in to the conference below. Syngenta announced the new …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Seed, Syngenta

Fastline Marketing Group Launched

Chuck Zimmerman

Fastline is now a full service agency according to this announcement. The company provides a full suite of digital offerings including website development, SEO, digital advertising, social media and email marketing. Fastline, known primarily for its print and online marketplace for farm equipment, parts and machinery, is rebranding and repositioning as Fastline Marketing Group. The new name highlights an expanded …

Agencies, Marketing, Media

2021 Commodity Classic Special Edition Week

Chuck Zimmerman

Welcome to 2021 Commodity Classic Special Edition Week. It is being “Delivered Right to Your Farm” since it is online only this year. For most people I know, the 2020 event was the last in-person one they attended. Cindy and I have attended many of these over the years. In fact, Cindy has a Commodity Classic photo album collection from …

Commodity Classic

Top Producer of the Year Award – Longview Farms

Chuck Zimmerman

During the 2021 Top Producer Summit several awards were presented. A big congratulations goes to the Henry family and LongView Farms. They are the recipients of the 2021 Top Producer of the Year Award. Accepting the award were Scott and Eric Henry, sons of Steve and Laurie Henry who started the farm. The sons are now the primary managers of …

Audio, Farm Journal, Farming, Media

Overview of the 2021 Top Producer Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

Farm Journal’s 2021 Top Producer Summit is underway in Nashville, TN where we’re live in person. The event will continue next week in a virtual format. To learn more about this unique hybrid type event schedule I visited with Sara Schafer, Editor, Top Producer. Sara talks about the program here which includes several major awards like the Top Producer of …

Audio, Farm Journal

Social Media Dilemma

Chuck Zimmerman

I joined Twitter as AgriBlogger in 2007, just a year after it was introduced, although it was another year before I started tweeting. I have over 19,500 followers. As new media pioneers, we were among the first to start using this innovative way to communicate with people around the world in 140 characters or less. Remember AgChat? That started back …

Social Media, ZimmComm Announcement