World Without Cows Screening at #CattleCon25

Chuck Zimmerman

World Without Cows ScreeningDuring the CattleCon 2025 an open screening of the documentary, World Without Cows (Sponsored by Alltech), was on the big screen in the general session room. I was able to see the screening and highly recommend it. On the stage are Dr. Mark Lyons, CEO, Alltech and the filmmakers Michelle Michael and Brandon Whitworth.

I talked with Dr. Lyons after seeing the screening and I told him that it really makes you think about what cows mean to our planet. There is a lot of information from scientific sources which you can find on the film website. You can request or see a screening that you may be near. If you have questions you can find answers here.

You can listen to my interview with Dr. Mark Lyons, CEO, Alltech here:
Interview with Dr. Mark Lyons (4:59)

For additionally information about the film you can listen to an interview I conducted with the filmmakers here: World Without Cows filmmakers Michelle Michael and Brandon Whitworth (17:56)

For anyone who has attended an Alltech ONE Conference, the company has scheduled one that is returning to Lexington, KY. The dates are May 18-20, 2026.

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Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Health, Audio