2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Animal Ag News 2/26

Carrie Muehling

  • USDA announced that the 2024 Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) sign-up will open Feb. 28 and run through April 29. For more NMPF resources related to the DMC program and other federally backed risk management programs, visit here.
  • The Dairy Business Association, Wisconsin’s leading dairy advocacy group, held its sixth annual Dairy Day at the Capitol event in Madison. Over 30 DBA members, both farmers and other corporate professionals, gathered at the Wisconsin State Capitol to advocate for the state’s dairy community.
  • San Antonio, Texas, will host CattleCon 2025, the largest cattle industry event in the country, Feb. 4-6, 2025. Thousands of cattlemen and women will gather to learn, conduct business, network and have fun.
  • To deepen meat industry coordination and government collaboration in Canada, Mexico and the United States, the Canadian Meat Council (CMC), Consejo Mexicano de la Carne (COMECARNE), and the Meat Institute signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that formalizes the three associations’ ongoing work to improve trade, reduce regulatory barriers and enhance information exchange within North America. The organizations also finalized a Joint Statement of Coordination that emphasizes their collective commitment to addressing foreign animal diseases, sustainability and non-tariff trade barriers.
  • Smithfield Foods has donated $100,000 to fund a mobile food retail market that will provide fresh food in food deserts throughout southeastern North Carolina. The donation to Ripe for Revival, a nonprofit founded to address food insecurity in North Carolina, was used to purchase a bus that has been transformed into a mobile food market. The bus will offer fresh, local, healthy food to the public, including many families experiencing food insecurity, at pay-what-you-can prices. Smithfield’s donation brings Ripe for Revival’s fleet up to a total of five buses.
  • Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, the oldest and largest livestock association in the Southwest, announced the TSCRA Leadership Development Foundation, a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to develop future land and livestock stewards and leaders. The TSCRA Leadership Development Foundation will support high school and college programs, internships, young professional development opportunities and grant programs.
  • Sponsored by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and the Meat Institute, the annual Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit brought together more than 125 attendees to hear the latest on how the meat, poultry and egg, animal feed and pork industries are advancing their sustainability programs. The summit was held during the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta, Ga.
  • U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY) recognized six poultry farms that were nominated for the annual Family Farm Environmental Excellence Award at the International Poultry Expo, part of the 2024 International Production & Processing Expo. The award is given annually to recognize exemplary environmental stewardship by family farmers engaged in poultry and egg production.
  • The Joint Industry Safety and Health Council recognized four poultry facilities with the Frank Cruice Innovation in Safety & Health Award at the 2024 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE). The facilities were recognized for a significant advancement in operational excellence in a safety and/or health innovation.
  • During the 2024 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE), six researchers presented their findings from recently completed research projects funded by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY) and its Foundation as part of the TECHTalks sessions offered during the Expo. All the researchers’ presentations have been made available on USPOULTRY’s YouTube channel and can be viewed at youtube.com/USPOULTRY.
  • AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites