2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

VISION Keynote Offers Ag Tech Adoption Outlook

Cindy Zimmerman

The keynote speaker for this year’s VISION Conference kicked off the event by providing some insights to ag technology executives about the future of the industry.

As an agricultural technology specialist with McKinsey & Company, Vasanth Ganesan is super excited about ag tech but recognizes some of the trends and challenges the industry is facing. “The adoption of technology has been much slower than expected or anticipated, so what more can we be doing,” said Ganesan. “How can we personalize products more for farmers, how can we build products that are easier to use, that have a very clear ROI?”

Despite the challenges, Ganesan encourages the ag tech industry to continue moving forward. “There’s no better time to be building technology,” he said. “There is a huge problem to feed the planet in a more sustainable, equitable way. So we have the biggest problem and the best time to be solving it….it’s worth the fight.”

Learn more in this interview.
2024 VISION interview with Vasanth Ganesan, McKinsey & Co 7:50

2024 VISION Conference Photo Album

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