2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Previewing the VISION Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

Unlocking the value of innovation is the theme of the 2024 VISION Conference coming up January 23-24 in Glendale, Arizona, preceded by the co-located Women in Ag Tech (WiAT) meeting January 21-22.

Powered by Meister Media Worldwide’s Global AgTech Initiative, the VISION Conference is the premier event where forward-thinking executives of the ag tech community come together to chart the strategic roadmap for the adoption of the latest innovative technologies and systems, with a focus on the drivers that will transform the agribusiness industry within the next 3-5 years.

“There’s a lot of different conferences out there that are all very good, but because of Meister Media’s agricultural background, where a lot of them are bringing technology to agriculture, we’re really bringing agriculture to technology,” said Meister President and Chief Operating Officer Joe Monahan.

Heather Tunstall, corporate content director, says they are excited about what’s new this year, including the co-located Women in Ag Tech meeting. “Women in Ag Tech is focused on community and support,” said Tunstall. “What we’re really looking to do is look at the career paths of many of the successful women in the industry, as well as those just starting out.”

Tunstall encourages attendees to take a look at the Executive Primer, sponsored by Ever.Ag and available on the VISION Conference website now. “Our executive primer is a digital document we are putting out ahead of the conference that brings to ground some of the main themes we’ll be talking about,” she said. “It will also be available on-site at the event. We think it’s a very valuable piece as a take away and for further understanding.”

Learn more about the conference in this interview with Monahan and Tunstall, and by going to TheVISIONConference.com. Register at https://www.thevisionconference.com/register/ and save $200 with Promo Code: LASTCHANCE.

2024 VISION preview interview 12:41

AgWired Precision, Audio, Precision Agriculture, Technology