RFA Ethanol Podcast

Livestock Publications Council Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

Diane JohnsonLPC’s Hall of Fame Award was Established in 1990, to honor distinguished livestock publishing leaders. Presenting the award to Diane Johnson is Molly Schoen, Charolais Journal.

Diane Johnson, is no stranger the organization, having served more than 20 years as its executive director. During that time, she was a part of the development of the Ag Publications Summit which later became the Ag Media Summit. Diane was an integral part of 21 Ag Media Summit events including two Congresses held in the United States for the International Federation of Agriculture Journalists.

Bob HoughLPC’s Headliner Award Program, inaugurated in 1980, salutes an individual for meritorious service to the livestock industry. This year’s recipient is Dr. Bob Hough. Presenting the award is Katrina Huffstutler, Grant Company, LLC.

Hough has served the livestock industry in numerous capacities for almost 50 years but may be best known for his roles as chief executive office of the Red Angus Association of America and executive vice president of the North American Limousin Foundation.

LPC Awards 2023There are many more awards which you will be able to find a list of on on the LPC website. The Ed Bible Distinguished Service Award was presented to Tim Steinbeck, Modern Litho.

Ag Media Summit, LPC, Media