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ZimmCast 716 – A New Podcast and New Presidents

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCastHello and welcome to the ZimmCast.

Cindy and I are getting a break from the agriblogging highway for a few weeks. We just completed a journey to Des Moines for Tech Hub Live, to San Destin, FL for the Southern Peanut Growers Conference and Palm Springs, CA for the Ag Media Summit. It has been a busy summer and I am very grateful for air conditioning. I’m old enough to remember summers in Sarasota, FL without AC and when my parents got our first box fan. This latest warm spell we’re having is nothing knew and that is no matter what the climate activist wackos say. It’s amazing how much misinformation is being spread right now.

Heart of Rural America PodcastSo, back to this week’s podcast. I’m going to start with an excerpt of the brand new podcast, The Heart of Rural America, hosted by Amanda Radke. She’s a South Dakota cattle rancher, wife, mama, author, and motivational speaker. Amanda also wrote for AgWired back in 2010! I highly recommend you subscribe to and listen to her new podcast. We are very proud of Amanda and have enjoyed watching her family and career grow over the years.

Next in the program are interviews with the new presidents of the Ag Communicators Network and the Livestock Publications Council. The gavel was passed for both organizations during the Ag Media Summit. First up is Martha Mintz, Corral Creek Communications. Next, you can listen to my interview with Katrina Huffstutler, Grant Company LLC.

Listen to the episode here:ZimmCast 716 - A New Podcast and New Presidents (16:08)

So that’s the ZimmCast for this week. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for listening.

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