Welcome to the 6th Annual VISION Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

The 6th annual VISION Conference kicked off in Glendale, Arizona Tuesday with a welcome from Joe Monahan, President and Chief Operating Officer of Meister Media Worldwide, organizer of the event.

“Our goal with the vision conference is to bring together a broad mix of voice, perspectives and capabilities that are driving change across the food value chain,” said Monahan. “It’s really looking into the future of ag tech.”

The theme for this year’s conference, Harnessing the Power of Agriculture 4.0 – Turning Innovation into Reality, centers around key topics that are driving Agriculture 4.0: virtual cropping systems, autonomy, AI, climate smart ag, vertical farming, weather mapping, imagery and more.

Monahan says the VISION Conference is just one of element of Meister Media Worldwide’s Global AgTech Initiative. “Our goal with the Global AgTech Initiative is to provide opportunities to connect the industry through multiple touchpoints ranging from market intelligence to research and thought leadership.”

Listen to Monahan’s remarks and interview below.
VISION 2023 welcome - Joe Monahan, Meister Media Worldwide (5:28)

Interview with Joe Monahan, Meister Media President and Chief Operating Officer
VISION 2023 interview with Joe Monahan, Meister Media Worldwide (3:12)

2023 VISION Conference Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, Precision Agriculture, Technology