- High fuel and input costs, market volatility, the war in Ukraine, and the 2023 Farm Bill are just some of the factors driving today’s challenging farm operations. Now is the time to prepare yourself to manage this ongoing uncertainty. Join us online for the 2022 DTN Ag Summit on Dec. 12-13. You’ll gain valuable information from notable experts across the agriculture industry.
- College undergraduates: Apply for the Agricultural Relations Council (ARC)/Gardner & Gardner Communications internship, being hosted by G&S Business Communications – in Raleigh, N.C. or Chicago – during the summer of 2023. Students interested in applying for the ARC Internship with G&S Business Communications should fill out an application, due Dec. 31. The intern will be selected by Jan. 31.
- The National Council for Agricultural Education named Dr. Travis Park the director of agricultural education, National FFA board chair and National FFA advisor.
- Working together was the theme of the annual World Ag Expo Chairman’s Kickoff Dinner at the International Agri-Center® on Saturday, October 8. The event gives the new show chairman a chance to gather committee chairmen, staff, and his friends and family to share a meal and set the tone for “farm show season.”
- AEI Premium, the online community for agricultural decision makers, presents the third season of its award-winning AEI Presents podcast series: “Nothing Borrowed, Nothing Gained.”
- The 2022 Annual Conference and Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Consultants will be held Sunday, October 23 – Tuesday, October 25 in Oklahoma City at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel.