RFA Ethanol Podcast

Syngenta Seeds Research Shows Benefits of Enogen Corn

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta Seeds has unveiled new research on the benefits of using Enogen® corn for livestock feed in dairy operations. The research found that when comparing Enogen corn to traditional feed products, a U.S. dairy farm operation could potentially yield a financial savings of $132 to $208 per milking cow.

The financial value assessment, conducted in partnership with model developers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Animal and Dairy Sciences and Agronomy Departments and Rock River Laboratory, evaluated factors such as milk content, expected milk revenue, and associated corn silage costs, resulting in a final metric of Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC).

In addition to the financial value assessment, Syngenta Seeds conducted a life cycle assessment (LCA) for the dairy industry and unveiled a similar LCA for the beef industry in 2021, which demonstrated the potential for reducing the environmental footprint of livestock production by switching to Enogen corn in feed rations. The dairy-specific LCA, completed by sustainability firm Sustainable Solutions Corporation, highlights potential reductions in environmental impacts, including lower emissions of greenhouse gases and lower use of land, energy and water.

Syngenta Head of Enogen Marketing and Stewardship Duane Martin talked about some of the advantages of Enogen corn for livestock during an interview at the recent Farm Progress Show.
FPS22 Interview with Duane Martin, Enogen (3:35)

Audio, Corn, Feed, Livestock, Syngenta