2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

RFA and Ethanol at the Farm Progress Show

Cindy Zimmerman

Ethanol was in the spotlight at the Farm Progress Show in Iowa this week and the Renewable Fuels Association was there to promote the high octane benefits of the fuel and the role of biofuels and farming in combating climate change.

RFA president and CEO Geoff Cooper, Director of Government Affairs Jared Mullendore, and Vice President of Industry Relations Robert White were all at the show and talking about some of the latest industry news. Topics include California’s plan to ban gasoline powered vehicles, funding for higher blends infrastructure, year-round E15, the inflation reduction act, and what’s next for the RFS.

As evidenced this week when California literally told residents to avoid charging electric cars because it might strain the power grid, Cooper says that state’s plan to ban the sale of gasoline powered vehicles is unrealistic.
FPS22 Interview with RFA CEO Geoff Cooper (8:46)

Mullendore discussed the status of the Next Generation Fuels Act in Congress as a pathway to year round E15.
FPS22 Interview with Jared Mullendore, RFA (5:35)

White says RFA is excited about the new funding for higher blends infrastructure. “This will allow both E15 and E85 to find new consumers and new markets,” said White. “We’re helping over 20 different companies already with their application and we’re talking hundreds upon hundreds of stations in the works.”
FPS22 Interview with Robert White, RFA (3:08)

2022 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Audio, Ethanol, Farm Progress Show