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Merry Christmas from the Sisters of Carmel

Chuck Zimmerman

Carmelite Monastery of the Sacred HeartsMany really beautiful Christmas greetings have been showing up in my inbox. I’d love to share them all. Here is one with special meaning for me since I got to know several Carmelite nuns back during the time we lived in Jefferson City, MO. This email came from the Carmelite Monastery of the Sacred Hearts in Colorado Springs, CO. They have a wonderful store of religious articles, many that they make by hand.

Here is an excerpt from their message:

Dear Friends of Carmel,

By the blessing of the good God, we all come to another Christmas season, to renew—and look forward to—the Coming of Our Lord.

As we gather around the manger of Bethlehem, know that you will be in our prayers, for a Blessed and truly Merry Christmas.

In Our Infant King,
Your Carmelite Sisters

Also included in their message is this quote.

May each Christmas, as it comes, find us more and more like Him, Who at this time became a little child for our sake; more simple-minded, more humble, more holy, more affectionate, more resigned, more happy, more full of God.

– Cardinal John Henry Newman
