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Archer Malmo Wins Second in State Corn Yield Contest

Cindy Zimmerman

Archer Malmo is an agency that really knows ag so well they can produce contest winning corn yields.

The ag team at Archer Malmo, in partnership with the research team at Agricenter International, achieved their Project 300 corn yield goal by growing 333 bushel per acre of corn on a 3.3-acre plot area. The agency also placed second in the state of Tennessee at the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) Yield Contest.

As a top 3 finisher in their state (conventional tillage, irrigated category), the Archer Malmo ag team will be recognized by NCGA, along with the top farmers in the country, at the 2022 Commodity Classic trade show in New Orleans, March 10-12.

“Archer Malmo established Archer Acre, our agency’s very own farm, in 2016,” said Fred Nichols, senior vice president at Archer Malmo. “It was intended to educate our ag team on crop production. Over the years we’ve grown 15 different crops, tested various client products, conducted on-farm agronomic research trials and created our own line of branded food products.”

Last year, the team grew 268 bushels per acre of corn on one acre, which inspired them to enter the NCGA contest this year. The team will continue to enter the contest again next year and expand on the farm.

Several factors went into this year’s high yield: superior genetics, ideal planting conditions, outstanding crop nutrition and excellent pollination, to name a few. The corn was planted with AgriGold 6659, a 116-day corn hybrid. YaraVera® AMIDAS, a slow-release fertilizer, was used – helping to feed plants all the way through pollination. Biovante® products were applied to boost plant energy. During the critical phase of pollination, there were relatively mild temperatures, where irrigation occurred only twice during the time.

Read more about this accomplishment.

Agencies, Corn, NCGA