RFA Ethanol Podcast

ZimmCast 682 – The Latest from Syngenta

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCastHello and welcome to the ZimmCast.

Since Syngenta was at all the fall meetings I attended and they had many stories to tell I thought I’d share some of them in this week’s episode. We really appreciate Syngenta’s support which helps make what we do at ZimmComm possible. So let’s get started.

At the NAFB Trade Talk we heard about Syngenta’s sustainability efforts from Caydee Savinelli and Steven Wall.

Next, it was on to the Farm Journal MILK Business Conference where Enogen was in the spotlight to help dairy producers. Describing this are Todd Lunde, Ted Koehler, Liz Novotny, Katie Edmunds and from Penn State, Dr. Alexander Hristov.

Last but not least, Syngenta was a major sponsor at the ASTA CSS & Seed Trade Expo where I spoke with Eric Boeck and Mary Kay Thatcher.

So that’s the ZimmCast for this week. I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for listening.

Listen to the ZimmCast here:
ZimmCast 682 - The Latest from Syngenta (40:53)

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Agribusiness, Audio, Syngenta, ZimmCast