2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Technology Powering In-Season Decision Making

Cindy Zimmerman

Satellite and aerial imagery have been available for decades, and recent innovation has greatly advanced the ease and quality of drone imagery, but farmers and their advisers are still struggling with making the technology pay off.

A panel of experts at Tech Hub LIVE last week discussed what it will take to better extract the use and value of this technology. Jeremy Wilson, Senior Vice President Field Data Solutions for EFC Systems, and Bruce Erickson, Agronomy e-Learning Director at Purdue University, moderated the panel, which included:
Brian Henze, Agronomy Technology Services Manager, GROWMARK
Matt Carstens, President and CEO, Landus
Erich Eller, President, ForeFront Ag Solutions

“Really the conversation migrated around what is the business model that makes this work,” said Wilson. “It was more what are the steps we can take to bring value to the grower and revenue back into our businesses … because quite honestly having something cool to bring to your grower doesn’t quite pay the bills anymore.”

Tech Hub Live interview with Jeremy Wilson, EFC Systems (4:48)

AgWired Precision, Audio, Precision Agriculture, Tech Hub LIVE, Technology