RFA Ethanol Podcast

Student NAMA Award Winners Named

Chuck Zimmerman

NAMACongratulations to all the winners in the Student National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) competitions. Special congrats to the University of Guelph for winning the Marketing Competition!

The Student NAMA Program was virtual for the 2020-21 school year. The Student Awards Ceremony, held on 4/22/21, announced the Scholarship Recipients, Sales Competition winners & Marketing Competition winners. See the recording here.

$4000 Successful Farming/Fergie Ferguson Scholarship: Callie McClay, University of Illinois
$2500 Wayne Bollum Scholarship: Brianna Gable, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
$2000 Steve Vandeberg Scholarship: Brooke Courtney, Iowa State University
$1000 Mo-Kan Scholarship: Grace McDonald, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
$1000 Iowa Scholarship: Carla Edelman, Iowa State University

$1000 NAMA Foundation Scholarships
Emily Stambaugh, Pennsylvania State University
Grace Howe, Iowa State University
Megan Niewoehner, Iowa State University
Arslan Azeem, University of Regina
Hanna Spies, Iowa State University

Dr. John B. Riley Outstanding Student Advisor
Sarah Botham, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Outstanding Professional
Abby Bottenfield, nominated by Iowa State University

Sales Competition
1st Place
Isaac Brockman, Illinois State University
Recorded Presentation

2nd Place
Regan Ragsdale, University of Missouri-Columbia
Recorded Presentation

3rd Place
Radine Kruisselbrink, University of Guelph
Recorded Presentation

Finalists (in alpha order)
Kariann Elsbernd, Iowa State University
Paden McDermid, New Mexico State University
Ellie McGowan, Murray State University
Jason Nelson, Pennsylvania State University
Jack Swartz, Cal Poly SLO

Marketing Competition
First Place
University of Guelph

Second Place
New Mexico State University

Third Place
Iowa State University

Finalists (alpha order)
Kansas State University
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Thanks to all the sponsors, judges and volunteers!

Education, Marketing, NAMA