RFA Ethanol Podcast

Precision Ag News 1/6

Carrie Muehling

  • The Fertilizer Institute announced that it and the Biostimulant Coalition have reached a formal agreement to form a “Biostimulant Council” and work together to advance policy and regulatory frameworks that increase biostimulant market access and encourage research and innovation. The Biostimulant Coalition is a non-profit group of interested parties cooperating to proactively address regulatory and legislative issues involving biological or naturally derived additives, including but not limited to bacterial or microbial inoculants, biochemical materials, amino acids, humic acids, fulvic acid, seaweed extract and other similar materials. The group was formed in 2011.
  • Brake® On! preemergence residual herbicide for the control of annual grass and broadleaf weeds in permanent crops is being launched by SePRO Corporation, long known for its aquatic and horticultural products. The active ingredient in Brake® On! is fluridone, an HRAC Group 12 herbicide, that provides a unique mode-of-action relative to all other residual herbicides in crops including stone fruit, avocado, mandarin, pistachio and pomegranate.
  • A&L Biological Inc., a subsidiary of A&L Canada Laboratories Inc., announced their first two products have now moved into the registration phase of development for the Canadian agricultural market. Cuc-Guard™ has demonstrated efficacy in both small plot and large-scale greenhouse trials for control of Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus. Similarly, the bio-stimulant ‘AL-BIO 7’ has shown in development trials significant improvement in plant vigour, root development and biomass for plants in a transplant setting.
  • C&H Ag Products of Benton County, Ind., announced their own line of plant growth regulators, adjuvants, water conditioners and drift control agents expressly designed to serve farmers with quality products that will improve return on investment. C&H Ag Products will initially offer NUTRIPRIME™ Plant Growth Regulator and FULLVIEW™ adjuvants, water conditioners and drift control additives. Founders Scott Creek and and Brad Harman also announced a new strategic supply agreement they’ve formed with Meristem Crop Performance Group, LLC.
  • Nature Biotechnology has published research — partially funded by The 2Blades Foundation — on the development of a new wheat variety that shows exceptional resistance to wheat stem rust.
AgWired Precision, Precision Ag Bytes, Precision Agriculture