2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alexa Lamm Receives Borlaug CAST Communication Award

Chuck Zimmerman

CAST Borlaug Communication Award 2020Today the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) used Zoom to announced that the 2020 Borlaug CAST Communication Award goes to Alexa Lamm, an Associate Professor of Science Communication at the University of Georgia.

With a long list of accomplishments as a scientist, educator, and writer, Dr. Lamm is recognized nationally and internationally as an acclaimed research scholar. Colleagues and associates praise her intelligence and hard work, and they note that she is a “skilled translator”—Lamm has a way of making tech and science accessible for all, from policymakers to the general public.

An award presentation will occur during World Food Prize Symposium week in October, 2020. The Borlaug CAST Communication Award honors the legacies of Nobel Prize winner Dr. Norman Borlaug and Dr. Charles A. Black, the first president of CAST.

You can hear the presentation below by Juan Tricarico, Ph.D., VP Sustainability Research, Dairy Management Inc. and CAST President, followed by remarks from the Julie Borlaug, the CropLife Foundation award sponsor and closing remarks from Kent Schescke, Executive Vice President, CAST.

Borlaug CAST Communication Award
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