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Industry Ag News 2/28

Carrie Muehling

  • Farm Bureaus across the nation are mobilizing for Agricultural Safety Awareness Program Week, which takes place March 1-7. U.S. Agricultural Safety and Health Centers will join Farm Bureau in promoting the week with its theme “20:20 Vision on Ag Safety.”
  • From seed to harvest, the National Farm Machinery Show displays the latest equipment, showcases the most innovative technology and offers educational seminars to help farmers prepare for the upcoming planting season. Farmers and agribusiness professionals packed the halls of the Kentucky Exposition Center for industry updates and exciting tractor pull action. The 2021 National Farm Machinery Show takes places next year February 10-13 at the Kentucky Exposition Center.
  • FS Member Companies, along with their cooperative supplier, GROWMARK, named the 2019 Enduring Farm awards to acknowledge those farmers who have adopted best management practices that optimize nutrient utilization, leading to long-term soil and water quality while enhancing ROI.
  • Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary W. Black announced the Farm Recovery Block Grants for farmers and forest landowners affected by Hurricane Michael. The Georgia Department of Agriculture will begin accepting online applications for the $347 million in block grant funds on March 18, 2020. Georgia farmers and forest landowners in 95 eligible counties who suffered losses to beef, dairy, fruit and vegetable, pecan, poultry, timber, and uninsured infrastructure will need to enroll in the recovery program at
  • Conference registration is now open for the American Seed Trade Association‘s Policy & Leadership Development Conference – which in 2020 is being jointly held with the AOSA/SCST Annual Meeting.
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