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Partnership Testing 100 Percent Biodiesel in Fleet Trucks

Cindy Zimmerman

A new partnership is conducting a year-long test project to demonstrate viability of 100 percent biodiesel (B100) in high-mileage fleet applications.

Under this partnership, five trucks owned by ADM will be outfitted with Optimus Technologies’ Vector fuel system, an innovative technology that enables diesel engines to run almost entirely on sustainable biodiesel. The trucks will be used in daily fleet operations for a yearlong period, with each vehicle anticipated to travel 160,000-180,000 miles and reduce up to 500,000 pounds of CO2. Advanced monitoring protocols will compare the performance and results of the new technology with five other trucks comprising a control group operating on conventional diesel. All biodiesel used in the project will come from ADM’s refinery in Mexico, Missouri.

The American Lung Association, National Biodiesel Board, Illinois Soybean Association, and Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council are all partners in the project with ADM and Optimus.

“Biodiesel blends have been utilized successfully in millions of miles of real-world applications across the diesel sector over the last two decades, but this project is especially exciting as more fleets look to take it to the next level,” said Kaleb Little, director of communications for the National Biodiesel Board.

Learn more about the project and what it could mean for the biodiesel industry in this interview.
Interview with Kaleb Little, NBB 21:33

Audio, Biodiesel, Soybean