2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alltech ONE, Day One

Cindy Zimmerman

Alltech CEO Dr. Mark Lyons is hosting his second Alltech Ideas Conference since the passing of his father and company founder Dr. Pearse Lyons early last year – and since disruption and change is what Alltech is all about, nothing has changed.

“Dad always said that the only constant in this company is change,” said Dr. Lyons. He talked about how Alltech continues to evolve in his opening address where he announced a new collaboration to fight African Swine Fever (AFS) and a partnership with the University of Kentucky Healthcare.

Dr. Mark Lyons opening remarks

After the opening session, Dr. Lyons participated in a press conference with representatives of UK Healthcare, as well as Alltech Research Director Dr. Richard Murphy and Robbie Walker, CEO of Alltech subsidiary Keenan. Dr. Lyons answered questions from the media on a variety of topics, including AFS and the trade war with China, where he lived for six years.

Alltech Press Conference

Alltech ONE19 continues through Tuesday.

2019 Alltech Ideas Conference Photo Album

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Audio