RFA Ethanol Podcast

Mastering the Art of Podcasting

Chuck Zimmerman

It has been fascinating to watch the resurgence of podcasting in agricultural communications. Although some of us have been doing this for more than twelve years it seems like communicators are embracing this channel in greater numbers.

I’m hoping to see some new podcasts from Cooperatives after conducting a webinar yesterday for the Cooperative Communicators Association. Of course some cooperatives like GROWMARK already produce a regular podcast but there sure is room to grow. Members and especially farmers jumped on podcasts from the start. I remember getting emails when I started from farmers in the U.S. and Canada who loved having meaningful content on their industry they could subscribe to and listen to on their iPod while sitting in a cab for extended periods of time with nothing else to listen to.

If you want to get started with a podcast for your company or other organization I am ready, willing and able to help you out. Here’s a tidbit from my webinar yesterday to give you a taste of what we talked about. By the way, the webinar was recorded and will be available to CCA members on their website. I am a member of CCA too.

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