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Perdue Reviews State of Farm Economy

Cindy Zimmerman

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue appeared before the House Agriculture Committee on Wednesday to update members on the current state of the farm economy and what USDA is doing about it.

Implementation of the 2018 farm bill, the Dairy Margin Program, immigration, trade negotiations with China and the new USMCA, were among the many topics that Secretary Perdue addresses. Importantly, he announced several sign up dates for the new farm bill programs, including June 17 for the dairy program, September 1 for ARC and PLC, and December 1 for conservation reserve.

Listen to Perdue’s opening remarks and questions from committee Chairman Colin Peterson (D-MN) and Minority Leader Mike Conaway (R-TX) – House Ag Committee hearing with Secy Sonny Perdue

Secretary Perdue is scheduled to speak to the 2019 Commodity Classic on Friday.

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, USDA