2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Products Fight Soybean Disease

Carrie Muehling

Growers who are fighting soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS) or nematodes in their fields may want to take a look at ILeVO – the only product that provides effective protection against both diseases – according to Melissa Chu, Product Manager, BASF Soybean Seed Treatment Portfolio.

“A disease like sudden death syndrome can cause extensive yield loss, especially when foliar symptoms appear, but actually it is a disease that begins below ground, so foliar symptoms don’t always appear,” said Chu. “Even when they don’t ILeVO still provides protection and a yield benefit. In addition, ILeVO is also an excellent nematicide and nematodes can cause a lot of yield loss without any visual symptoms above ground. So by using a product like ILeVO, you are protecting yield protection from two really critical yield robbers.”

SDS foliar symptoms are noticeable in the field, depending on severity, and the disease can also affect the roots of the plants. Chu said seven years of testing show great yield benefits with ILeVO – over 4.5 bushels per acre on average. Chu was at the 2018 ASTA CCS and Seed Expo in Chicago.

Interview with Melissa Chu discussing Obvius Plus and ILeVO – Interview with Melissa Chu, BASF

You can watch the interview with Melissa in the video below:

BASF at 2018 ASTA CSS and Seed Expo

2018 ASTA CSS and Seed Expo photos

AgWired Precision, ASTA, Audio, BASF