Longtime good friends Don Wick and Mike Adams were inducted into the NAFB Hall of Fame this year. Adams and Wick served together as officers of NAFB, Wick was president in 1997 and Adams in 1999. Now they are friendly competitors as Mike this year started working for American Ag Network in North Dakota, while Don is president of Red River Farm Network, also in North Dakota.
Mary Kay Thatcher, who retired last year from the American Farm Bureau Federation and now works for Syngenta, was honored with the 2018 Dix Harper Meritorious Service Award Winner for her years of helping farm broadcasters tell the story of agricultural policy from Washington DC.
The 2018 Doan Award winner was Tyne Morgan, host of U.S. Farm Report, pictured here receiving the honor from 2002 NAFB president Colleen Callahan. And the 2018 Plambeck Awards For Creative Excellence went to Arysta LifeScience for a single radio commercial and Wyffels Hybrids for best series. Congrats to all!