2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ethanol Promotion at #SturgisBuffaloChip

Chuck Zimmerman

The presence of ethanol and the Renewable Fuels Association will be bigger than ever this year during the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and especially at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip. I talked with RFA’s Robert White about this year’s event and what activities we’ll be taking part in. Yes, I’ll be there once again.

The Sturgis Buffalo Chip is where most of the educational activities will take place. Here’s how they describe their mission: The Buffalo Chip’s staff create the Best Party Anywhere, providing the world’s best entertainment in a safe campground environment of freedom that provides campers with access to recreation, motorcycle art, shopping, showers, food, beverage and some of this planet’s nicest people.

They do a great job of this. With up to 500,000 people expected to participate this year RFA is really getting a bang for their buck according to Robert. Listen in to my preview interview with Robert to learn more about what we’ll be doing including the annual Legends Ride, Free Fuel Happy Hours and more.

Listen to the interview with Robert here: Interview with Robert White, RFA

Audio, Biofuels, Ethanol, RFA