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Inari Aims to Transform Agriculture

Cindy Zimmerman

A new plant breeding technology company called Inari Agriculture is being introduced today with the mission to transform agriculture and its impact on society and the environment by developing a more personalized plant breeding approach.

Inari is a Flagship Pioneering company headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., which started in early 2016 and has since recruited more than 80 leading research scientists and academic advisors from a range of diverse disciplines, including plant biology and medical research.

Ponsi Trivisvavet

Ponsi Trivisvavet was named CEO of Inari in April 2018. Prior to that she was COO at Flagship Pioneering company Indigo Agriculture, and before that she was with Syngenta for eight years and served as President of Syngenta Seeds, Inc.

“We have assembled a world-class team to execute on Inari’s mission and believe we have a unique opportunity to change the culture of agriculture,” said Trivisvavet. “Over the coming months our priority is to accelerate the deployment of our technologies into crops whilst increasing our cutting-edge technology and patent pool.”

Learn more about Inari from Trivisvavet. Interview with Inari CEO Ponsi Trivisvavet

Julie Borlaug, who inherited her desire to feed the world from her famous grandfather Norman, is the Vice President of Communications and Public Relations for Inari. “Our overall goal is to develop ‘personalized seeds’ to help growers meet specific challenges,” says Borlaug.

She says that working in a start up is different for her but she is very excited about it and believes it fits in with her goal of changing the conversation and creating a communications revolution for agriculture. “It might be a little unconventional but when my grandfather received the Nobel Peace Prize he was called a ‘refreshing, unconventional scientist’ so hopefully that’s where we are leading,” Borlaug said.

Learn more in this interview. Interview with Julie Borlaug, Inari Agriculture

AgWired Precision, Audio, Research, Seed