2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FMC’s 3RIVE 3D Part of Freedom Pass Program

Chuck Zimmerman

We’ve done several stories on FMC’s 3RIVE 3D technology and now growers have a way to get a free system! Jamie talked with Mike Harper, FMC Industry Relations Manager, during the recent NAFB Convention about how this can happen. According to Mike the FMC Freedom Pass program has a 3RIVE 3D option.

As part of the FMC Freedom Pass program, growers can qualify for a FREE 3RIVE 3D® application system with a three-year product commitment. This unique at-plant delivery platform gives growers the freedom to farm faster, saving water, fuel, labor and time. Applicator commitment is due by February 28, 2018.

This is part of the four pillars of the Freedom Pass program, Application Innovation.

Listen to the interview to learn more: Interview with Mike Harper, FMC

View and download photos here: 2017 NAFB Convention Photos

Coverage of the NAFB Convention is sponsored by
Coverage of the NAFB Convention is sponsored by FMC
Agribusiness, Audio, FMC, NAFB