2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Executives Discuss Bayer Acquisition

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Crop Protection business executives held a conference call with reporters Tuesday to discuss the agreement announced last Friday to purchase significant Bayer assets in the largest deal of its kind in history.

The $7 billion deal includes Bayer’s global glufosinate-ammonium non-selective herbicide business, seed businesses for canola hybrids in North America under the InVigor® brand using the LibertyLink® trait technology, oilseed mainly in European markets, cotton in the Americas and Europe as well as soybean in the Americas. The transaction also includes Bayer’s trait research and breeding capabilities for these crops and the LibertyLink® trait and trademark. In addition, over 1,800 Bayer employees will transfer to BASF, in addition to corporate, manufacturing and research facilities in Germany, the United States, and Canada, the Americas and Europe.

Listen to Paul Rea, Senior Vice President BASF Crop Protection North America, and BASF U.S. Crop VP Scott Kay give an overview of the acquisition and answer reporter questions. Paul Rea and Scott Kay, BASF

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Bayer