2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer Showcasing Commitment to Cotton

Chuck Zimmerman

The Head of Seeds, North America, for Bayer CropScience is Lee Rivenbark. Lee was a lunchtime presenter during the Bayer Showcase Plot Tour in Lubbock, TX. I thought he would be a great person to provide an overview of why Bayer holds these events and especially the one in their new Cotton Breeding Station. He started out by telling me, “Today gives us a unique opportunity to interact with our growers. That’s what we’re here to do today.”

The event allows growers to hear about Bayer’s new technologies, germplasm, new varieties and commitment to agriculture and the cotton industry. Probably the most visible sign of that commitment is the Cotton Breeding Station itself. Growers got to tour the facility and see some of the equipment Bayer is using in its research. You can see photos from that part of the tour in the photo album below.

For more on what was going on during the day listen in to my interview with Lee: Interview with Lee Rivenbark, Bayer

Bayer Showcase Plot Tour – Lubbock, TX Photo Album

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Cotton