2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Would Your Soil Pass the Tighty Whitey Test?

Jamie Johansen

The Illinois Corn Growers Association had a head turning display at the 2017 Farm Progress Show centered around soil health. The question is, would your soil pass the tighty whitey test?

“Search #SoilYourUndies online and you will find how farmers from all over the U.S. and Canada are taking this approach to learning more about soil health. The better health a soil is in equals more microbiological activities. We would anticipate soil which has been under cover crops, no-till systems or pastured would have higher soil health if measured by microbial activity and organic matter,” explained Tricia Braid, director of communications, Illinois Corn.

Braid said the white cotton underwear buried in conventional fields were more intact than their counterparts buried in soil with more active microbes. A simple and very visual example of how improved soil health combined with organic matter content will equal increased microbial activity.

Listen to or download my complete chat with Tricia here: Interview with Tricia Braid, Illinois Corn Growers Association

AgWired Precision, Audio, Farm Progress Show, Soil